3600 Lyons Road, Austin, Texas 78744

Some Saturdays from 12-4pm

Annie Alonzi, A Crack in Everything
Annie Alonzi, A Crack in Everything
Annie Alonzi, A Crack in Everything

Annie Alonzi, A Crack in Everything


Clay, underglaze, glaze 
Measurements to come. Shipping will be invoiced after purchase. Contact us to receive a shipping estimate. 


These days, we’re consistently hearing about how we’re living in a “new world” - but what does that mean? 

In what ways has our reality shifted, our planet, our universe, our interior world, even our direct surroundings? An individual’s new world could be as simple as the space they inhabit, or perhaps a new city, state, or country. Or is this new world something undulating and shifting under the surface, a vague change that is hard to pinpoint but pervasive? 

What would a new world that we want to live in look like? What landscapes would it have, what color is the sky? When our world is used up, where will we go? Is a better world possible?